Considerations on scoliosis

Scoliosis is a medical condition in which the vertebral column (spine) of a person is bent in an unnatural shape. It usually develops during adolescence and it is more present in females rather than males.

The main reason why scoliosis is happening is still not understood although a genetic predisposition can be one of the causes. This condition can cause

1 – Uneven musculature in one side of the spine.

2 – Uneven hips or arms and consequent legs length discrepancy.

3 – A rib prominence or a shoulder blade prominence (winged shoulder blade)

4 – Slow nerve action (only in severe scoliosis)


picture source: Wikipedia


On X-ray examination the spine can resemble a “S” or a “C” shape rather that a straight line. Scoliosis can be divided into two types: structural and functional.

The first type happens when the spine has a curvature and on the same time rotates around its axis (that is why the “S” shape). It is caused by unknown factors (idiophatic) or present at birth due to other conditions or anomalies such as spina bifida, condition where the spinal canal does not close properly, or muscular dystrophy or other disorders that affect the formation of bone. This type of scoliosis is mainly irreversible and non-treatable although manual therapies can reduce and manage the pain.

The second type involves only a curvature of the spine without rotation (that is why the “C” shape) which is due to muscle spasm, poor posture, sciatic pain, leg length discrepancy. Differently from the first type, functional scoliosis is reversible and treatable with manual therapies in conjunction with specific exercises regimens.

Recent researches confirm that the most common scoliosis, called late-onset idiopathic scoliosis, causes little physical concern other that occasional back pain. Other researches state that the most common type of scoliosis, the functional one, does not necessarily progress into a more severe form of it. Scoliosis is a long life manageable condition.


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