

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a high effective holistic approach that treats a wide range of body dysfunctions ranging from musculoskeletal conditions (such as muscular pains, traumas, sport injuries, headaches) to systemic conditions (such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,). Osteopaths use a highly evolved sense of touch to investigate the underlying causes of pain.

The most common symptoms presented to an osteopathic clinic are:

* Back and neck pain

* Shoulder and arm problems

* Pelvis, hip and leg problems

* Sport and other injuries

However patients have found Osteopathy helpful for many other conditions.

First Consultation (60 minutes)

Initial consultation will include a full medical history, a general medical heath check if needed, a full musculoskeletal examination and treatment.

Your Osteopath will give you an explanation of findings, a diagnosis and a treatment plan.

Further treatment (30 minutes)

These appointment are maily treatment and management based according to the needs of patients.

A personalised treatment plan in the form of exercises and lifestyle advice will be created for each patient in order to maintain the results of the treatment for a medium and long term.


Osteopathic treatments performed by Antonino


Clinical testing

Osteopaths in the UK are classed as Primary Healthcare practitioners which mean that they are medically trained to diagnose and treat a variety of conditions. Osteopath will perform a musculo skeletal testing in order to find any dysfunction in your body. If necessary he will perform a neurological, cardiovascular, respiratory, abdominal testing to ensure you are safe to treat.


Soft tissue techniques

Soft tissue techniques are used to stretch, re-align and reduce inflammation on dysfunctional tissues structures of the body such as muscle, ligaments, and internal organs. Muscle tension can be caused by a variety of things such as accidents, trauma, local inflammation, repetitive stress, immobilisation and emotional tension. As muscle tension increases muscles tighten, blood vessels become compressed, tissue metabolites are retained and local inflammation can occur.

The benefit of soft tissue techniques can be combined with a rehabilitation program for who has had an accident, trauma or who is suffering for any condition such as … or for sport…are for people who need

Soft tissue techniques increase the amount of circulation to the muscles and fascia, improve the amount of oxygen and nutritional components reaching the muscles as well as increasing the rate of removal of local waste products speeding up tissue healing rates.

Antonino is a full qualified (BTEC5) clinical sport and remedial massage therapist which can perform a broad variety of different soft tissue techniques according to your needs.


Medical acupuncture (dry needling)

Acupuncture has become more accepted by Western medicine over the last 30 years. Acupuncture can be used to treat immediate reduction in local and referred pain, immediate relief from myofascial trigger points and other musculo-skeletal complaints.


Muscle energy techniques (MET)

MET is a collective name for a variety of techniques that stretch, strengthen or break down fibrous adhesions in muscles. Musculoskeletal problems involve an imbalance with some muscles being weak and other being tight. This can be the first hallmark for having an injury or it may be a result of a previous joint problem.

MET are an important part of rehabilitation and body maintenance. It allows you to reduce pain and restriction in movement as well as to increase circulation and provide greater awareness of your body. It also helps to be better prepared for strenuous activities,

An osteopath is well trained in using such important techniques. The body works as a unit and no muscle or joint works in isolation. By stretching one area of the body such as your arm you can benefit another area of your body such as your neck.


High-velocity low-amplitude (HVLA) joint manipulation

HVLA is used to release restrictions in joints and articulations of the body by rapidly applying a brief therapeutic force that travels within the anatomic range of motion of a joint. The technique uses several combined anatomical “levers” to keep the manipulation force concentrated only toward the restricted joint. A full case history and a suitable examination are mandatory prior to applying a HVLA to the patient to make sure the patient is safe to treat.


Trigger point release and myofascial release

A trigger point is a hyper irritable spot located in a taut band of skeletal muscle which generates a consistent pain sensation which will refer in pattern distant to the site of the original irritation. Trigger points are caused by a wide range of causes such as trauma, injury, and poor posture. The fascia enveloping the muscle can scar and harden thus causing the network of the fascia to lose its cushioning mechanism. Many chronic pain conditions are caused by myofascial trigger points.

Osteopathic techniques are used to directly locate the tension spot and dissipated it with a gentle load for a period of time until they can feel a release in tension.



Strain-Counterstrain is a type of positional release that attempts to alleviate muscle spasms and connective tissue tightness by using specific body positioning. In this procedure, the involved tissue is “slackened” causing the relaxation of the muscle fibres kept in spasm. The result is a reduction of pain and inflammation in the part treated and a restoration of joint mobility or other structures in the area that may have been compressed.


Kinesio taping

Kinesiology tape is a stretchy, elastic, hypo-allergenic adhesive cotton strip that is almost identical to human skin in both thickness and elasticity. It is used in a broad variety of musculoskeletal, sport and inflammatory injuries and conditions such as muscle sprain, ligament strain, muscle weakness and hypotonia, tendonitis and tendinosis, joint instability and poor posture, osteoarthritis, lymphoadenoma and joint swelling.


If you have any questions about Osteopathy please send Antonino a message via the Contact form.