Postural imbalances


Postural imbalances

By Antonino Balistreri

Postural imbalance refer to issues of the body caused by poor or dysfunctional posture.

A postural imbalance bring with it an uneven distribution of the mass of the body and an uneven distribution of the forces of its muscles.

There are several contributors that bring to postural imbalances: trauma, repetitive activities (either work or sport related), postural habits, or structural causes such as scoliosis.

It is advisable to have a postural check assessment every while especially if someone suffer for low back pain, shoulder pain or even headache for a certain length of time. It is also advisable to have a check if the type of job requires to stay in a fixed position for long hours or if the training at the gym follows the same routine.

To learn more about how Antonino can help with your posture imbalance send a message via the Contact form.